Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
Should I collect MBA recommendation letters now?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Recommendations letters are written for one college at a time, using a format specified by each college. You should not obtain a "standard" recommendation letter now from your recommenders ... Some colleges even specify who the recommenders must be ...
Is my decision right to pursue advertising as my career?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Your decision to pursue a career in advertising is right for you if it is consistent with your ambitions, goals, and interests ... Our advice to you would be to explore the possibility of securing employment with an advertising agency first, and then pursue targeted courses on an as-needed basis ...
Which legal discipline is best for my sister?
Dear Mentor Says: ... there is no universal truth of what is the right choice that is applicable to all. Your sister's choice must be based on her interests, ambitions, and goals ...
As a pharmacy student, how do I transfer into a US college?
Dear Mentor Says: First of all, we must tell you that virtually no financial aid is available to international students in the US for pursuing a Bachelor's degree ... You are not likely to get significant credits for transfer ... Getting admitted to colleges in the US is not any different from elsewhere in the world ...
What education do I need after high school to become an MD?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The requirements for entering a medical school in Canada vary somewhat across colleges, but you basically need a Bachelor's degree in any discipline provided you meet certain requirements for science courses in physics, chemistry, and biology. You would also be required to take the MCAT ...
Is my LLB good enough to start an MBA?
Dear Mentor Says: ... If this is your entire college or university education, you are likely not to meet the eligibility requirements. Some LLB programs in the UK are in fact 4 years in duration ... Typical admission criteria for an MBA in the US are ...
What is the equivalent letter grade for my GPA?
Dear Mentor Says: The Grade Point Average (GPA) is an average of your grade points on a numeric scale of 0-4, not a letter grade ... Although assigning a letter grade to the GPA is not a practical exercise, you can see that a GPA of 3.6 is just under the A- letter grade.
How much time will it take to study for the IAS?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The amount of time you will need to prepare for any exam depends on your: Current level of competence ... Intrinsic abilities ... Practice routine ... For the practice materials, you can find relevant books in a local bookstore or library ...
What are the prospects of industrial engineering in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: The prospects of Industrial Engineering in the US are good. Remember that the level of unemployment in the US is rather low ... Good, qualified people in most fields are likely to find good opportunities at most times ...
How strong a candidate am I for a PhD?
Dear Mentor Says: ... since you have taken the GMAT, we are assuming that that you interested in a business related field ... Your GMAT score is good; however, it falls at the low end of expected performance at very good colleges ... You should communicate with some colleges directly to get a feel for whether your credentials are acceptable ...
