Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
Is diploma equivalency adequate for US graduate schools?
Dear Mentor Says: ... It is imperative that you demonstrate an outstanding performance on the GRE, so that you rise above the pool of candidates and the college considers your application seriously. Even then, the college would not ignore your past academic performance ...
Which colleges have biotechnology BS degrees?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Many colleges offer bachelor's programs in biology, engineering, and biomedical engineering. We recommend that you not limit yourself to a few colleges due to the need to use one word, biotechnology, to describe your interests ...
How do I assess the cost/benefit of an MBA?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The issue of financial rewards is fairly straightforward. You need to compare the trajectory of career progression and associated remuneration for life with and without MBA ...
How is software engineering different from computer science?
Dear Mentor Says: ... software is becoming complicated and requires large teams of programmers and years to develop ... the discipline of software engineering has emerged ... Software engineering focuses on the design, analysis, and management of large-scale software systems ...
Should I choose F1 or green card?
Dear Mentor Says: ... you can not have the intent of staying permanently in the US (as required for the green card) and, at the same time, have the intent of staying in the US temporarily as required for the F1. If you pursue both plans ... both applications will be rejected ...
How good a GMAT do I need for a top B-school?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The average GMAT at the top MBA schools, such as mentioned by you, is around 700 and above out of 800. However, you must note at least two items: 1) averages can be misleading, and 2) the GMAT is only one input to the selection process ...
What does it cost, and which school is best?
Dear Mentor Says: Just about every question you have asked has been answered in the iMahal guide on Studying in America and Canada. College-specific information is available at college websites ... Colleges do not accept the entrance exam scores - such as on the TOEFL and GRE - from applicants; the scores are sent directly to colleges by the ETS ...
Where can I take the civil sercice exam in India?
Dear Mentor Says: The Civil Service Examination (CSE) is conducted every year by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) as a common examination for various services ... The Examination Centres for the Main Examination generally are ...
