Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
What education do I need for an MBA in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Some universities in the US and Canada require the completion of a Master's program or the first year of a Master's program from India, if your Bachelor's degree is not of 4-year duration ... The issue of correspondence program complicates the matter further ...
Which MBA school tiers should I target?
Dear Mentor Says: ... There is no precise definition of 2nd and 3rd tier business schools. The interpretation of the tiers depends on what the individual has in mind ... you are left with your own judgment on how you want to tier the schools, having researched information from various sources ...
With H4, can I work or become a student?
Dear Mentor Says: We are not immigration attorneys. It is our understanding that you can not gain employment or undertake studies on the H4 dependent visa ... The rules do permit you to convert the H4 to F1 for studies, and the H4 to H1B for employment ...
Can I get assistantship starting in the spring semester?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You will be well advised to read the iMahal Authoritative Guide for Studying in America and Canada. The iMahal Guide outlines how to proceed and improve your chances for admissions and financial aid ... Financial aid is not dependent on whether you start you program in a certain semester ...
What are my chances of admission with a 55% aggregate?
Dear Mentor Says: The iMahal Authoritative Guide for Studying in America and Canada addresses most of your questions ... A somewhat weak performance on one dimension can be offset, to some extent, by far superior performance on others ... we would encourage you to invest your time instead on excelling on the GRE ...
What should I choose for my undergraduate major?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Many people who have gone on to great success felt the same way you do when they were in their first year of college ... you have to strike a balance between your desire to pursue studies in psychology and education with a desire to help others and the resulting level of rewards and remuneration ... the most important thing you can do now to help your future ...
How can I afford to study in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... life is a constant struggle between what you want and what you can have ... financial assistance is more available in technical fields, such as engineering and computer science ... You will be well advised to read the iMahal Authoritative Guide for Studying in America and Canada ...
Should I get my MS in networking or database technology?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Your focus at this stage ought to be on getting admission, and not on the area of specialization such as database technology or networking ... The value of your education for employment is determined by the marketplace ... You will be well advised to read the iMahal Authoritative Guide on Studying in America and Canada ...
Grades, money, MS versus MBA: What should I do?
Dear Mentor Says: ... financial assistance is more readily available to international students in technical programs; it is virtually non-existent for MBA programs ... You will be well advised to read the iMahal Authoritative Guide for Studying in America and Canada ...
My grades were not so good; what are my options?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Your self-confessed poor academic performance would make obtaining admission difficult. You may wish to contact the college of interest directly to seek guidance ... You will be well advised to read the iMahal Authoritative Guide for Studying in America and Canada.
