Dear Mentor:
Why do you not focus on science and humanities? |
I am interested in pursuing higher education in the Sciences. As I was doing my research, I came across iMahal and was thrilled to find well-organized information on Colleges & Universities. However, I soon realized that while iMahal had made significant effort in organizing information for Engineering, Business, Computer Science, etc., you completely ignored Sciences and Humanities. Is it because you feel that Sciences and Humanities programs are not worth pursuing, and you want to direct your users to the so-called "professional" programs only? While it may be true that professional programs offer more financial rewards, some of us have interests that go beyond making money. Some of us would like to pursue education in the areas that truly interest us, instead of chasing after money.
Dear Anjali:
You must be psychic! That's just what we have been thinking about and working on. We really appreciate hearing from you because it is people like you who keep us on track and demand from us what is truly of interest to our audience. For this, we are grateful to you.
We are in the midst of developing and providing similar information on Sciences and Humanities that we already have for "professional" programs. We are a small startup with limited resources, but we shall work very hard to offer you the information you need and want. Please be on the lookout: soon we shall have the information you want. In the meantime, we hope that you find helpful the information iMahal provides on ALL Colleges and Universities in the US, UK, India, and Canada. This information includes schools that do offer programs in Sciences and Humanities. Better organized sections on Sciences and Humanities are on their way.
We do not believe that the areas of Sciences and Humanities are any less valuable than other areas. We believe that all our education and work are focused on producing happiness over a life time. This definition varies from individual to individual. We respect your definition and your areas of interest, as we respect other people's definitions and interests.
Since we had completed certain areas of our Education Mini-Portal, we felt that we should launch them as soon as possible so that some of the iMahal users can start benefiting from them. As it is, we have the largest education resource on the Web. But we are not content with what we have thus far. We will continue adding to what we have on an on-going basis, so as to meet more fully the needs of people like you.
Thanks Anjali for keeping us on track. And, please do watch for the arrival of the information on iMahal that you want.
