Dear Mentor:
Is university ranking important for jobs in the US? |
I would like to thank the people behind iMahal for doing an excellent job in giving advice. Your advice is indeed very helpful to me and others, since the information you give can not be obtained from any institution in India. I would hereby like to ask you one small question: Is the ranking of the university, from which you complete your degree, important for seeking for jobs in the USA?
Full of Praise, Pune, India
Dear Full of Praise:
We thank you for your kind words. We are here to serve our audience the best we can. We would appreciate your comments, and comments from others, on how we can improve this column and other iMahal offerings to serve you better.
As you begin your career, in the US or any other country, the prospective employer has limited information on your ability to apply the knowledge you have acquired through education. Given this situation, the employer has to base recruiting decisions based primarily on the quality of education you have received. Thus, the quality of the university (or ranking) does matter. It is likely to influence both the quantity and quality, of the job offers one receives. It also matters for the terms of the starting salary - the graduates from top schools are often offered higher salaries. Some employers recruit graduates of top schools only, and they do not even consider graduates from other schools for recruitment.
Later on in your career, the ranking of the university from which graduated matters less. Then, the employer would be more interested in your demonstrated success in progressively challenging assignments in the work place. As a result, the further you are away from the date of graduation, the less the ranking of your university matters.
We thank you again and wish you the very best.
