Dear Mentor:
I am weak in academics. How do I get a good job? |
I am weak in academics. My age is 26. I am still pursuing graduation. I am a regular student of B.A. (Pass) final from Delhi University. I have not been able to clear the English and Hindi papers of my final year 2-3 times by studying from different sources (guides, self made notes, textbooks, 10 year questions etc.). Is it wise to opt for a tutor as a last resort? Can you suggest some good tutors along with their fees for English and Hindi at B.A. (P) final level in Delhi? Or, can you suggest some links to sites that give information or rank home tutors in Delhi? Apart from teaching the subject, will they provide notes/answers from the exam point of view?
I am interested in doing a computer course. I visited some reputed private institutes (aptech, niit, stg etc.) in Delhi. I am eligible for some courses that require a 10+2 pass. Do you recommend these courses to be good for securing a decent job with excellent remuneration? Or, do you advise to take up WAP/Mobile Internet/e-commerce/short term job-oriented or some other future courses? If yes, can you tell me the programs and also if am eligible for them? Please let me know the names of the institutes conducting such courses. Can you suggest computer courses which are suitable to me? Please help me in detail. Looking forward for your expert guidance.
Many Questions, New Delhi, India
Dear Many Questions:
Before we answer your questions, we would like to outline the purpose of this weekly column, Dear Mentor:
iMahal is a full-featured portal that specializes in Success and Learning. As a part of our mission, we offer extensive information services on Education and Careers on our website. Based on this, we encourage iMahal users to conduct further research to address their specific needs. To help our users along, we write this weekly column, Dear Mentor:, to offer our advice. We would like our audience to understand the difference between offering advice and conducting research. As much as we like, we can not conduct research for personal, specific, and narrow inquiries from individual users. We select questions for the Dear Mentor: column that address wider issues, our response to which would help many iMahal users, well beyond the questioner alone.
Having said this, we also wish to note that we offer advice, and we do not and will not recommend any particular product, service, or person. We express our views and opinions, and offer ideas on how you can make decisions for yourself on your own path to success. We can not and will not make decisions for you.
Now let us return to the questions at hand. We can appreciate your challenge in completing your Bachelor of Arts degree in Pass Course. Just as information for our audience, the Pass Course refers to a general BA program, which does not specialize in any particular field. The BA programs that do specialize in specific fields are referred to as Honours programs.
Since you have not succeeded, having tried all aids short of having a personal tutor, the help of a tutor is the next logical step. A good tutor can help you learn, guide you on how to approach exams, and encourage and motivate you to develop confidence in yourself. You can certainly look in the local newspaper where many of these prospective tutors advertise, but our advice would be to seek referrals from others. We do not know of any website that ranks tutors in Delhi.
It is interesting the way you have posed the question of computer courses and excellent remuneration. One's remuneration is one's value in the marketplace. The marketplace determines the remuneration based on the supply and demand of talent. The easier one can get something, the lower its value. The more easily one can get into a course and complete it, the lower the subsequent remuneration. Any of the computer courses that you have mentioned can get you an entry level, low remuneration position. How successful you are in learning more and creating value to the employer will determine your remuneration.
