Dear Mentor:
Where is info on a BBA degree? |
I am an SSC [???] student and looking for a course for BBA [Bachelor of Business Administration], but I could not find it in your site. Please give me some information so that I can build up my career.
Unable to Find, Country Unknown
Dear Unable to Find:
iMahal has an extra-ordinary amount of information on BBA in the
iMahal Education Section. The issue we have encountered here is that of linguistics. We have used the term "Business Colleges and Universities" for colleges that offer any business degree, whether undergraduate (Bachelor's) or graduate (Mater's or PhD). This includes BBA. For example, you can find a
List of Business Colleges and Universities in the US or Canada, and so on.
You may also use the
iMahal College Finder to find colleges that meet your personal requirements and performance.
Good luck!
