Dear Mentor:
What should I do with my medical degree? |
I have finished my MBBS [Bachelor’s degree in Medicine in India] from KEM Hospital. After
taking GRE, what fields do I have to study? From which universities those prefer Indian
Dear What to Do?:
We are not sure what you are asking. You do not have to study in any field, unless you want to or
choose to study. What you want to or choose to study is entirely your decision. You can obviously
continue further education and training in medicine. If you wish to do so in the US, the GRE has little
usefulness. The relevant exam is the USMLE (US Medical Licensing Examination). You should read
our response to an earlier question: How do I do medical residency in the US? for more information on
the USMLE process. The GRE is generally required for graduate studies in engineering, computer
science, business, humanities, and sciences.
Since you are in India, we are assuming that you are asking which universities in the US, UK, or
Canada prefer Indian candidates. The short answer is: None! As a normal practice and the law,
universities can not give preferential treatment to candidates from any country, except perhaps
for local residents. Local students do have more choices and easier accessibility to financial
support than international students do.
