Dear Mentor:

Can I get a job during medical school in the US?

I am studying at Odessa State Medical University. I request you to send me information about joining post-graduation cum part-time job's facilities in any medical colleges in the USA.

Medicine in US, Odessa, Ukraine

Dear Medicine in US:

The degree in Medicine in the US is the Doctor of Medicine (MD). Candidates start the MD after completing a Bachelor's degree, while meeting certain requirements for studies in sciences. The MD program is intense; students are not able to undertake any work during the program. Beyond the MD, candidates are required to complete a Residency program at a hospital before they can practice medicine in the US. Residency is a training program, while it is also employment for which the candidates are paid.

To obtain residency at a hospital, you must pass the US Medical License Exam (USMLE). We have addressed the process for the USMLE in earlier columns:

You would essentially have to complete the 3-step USMLE process. While Steps 1 and 2 can be completed in many different places in the world, Step 3 must be completed in the US.

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