Dear Mentor:
Where should I get my MBA in Europe? |
I am graduate from Cape Coast University, Ghana. I have been working for a reputable company for two years now. I am 28 years old. I am interested in doing my MBA from a reputed Business School in Europe. I also need financial assistance. Please advice me. Eagerly waiting for your advice.
Dear Money for MBA:
The focus of iMahal in Europe is only on the UK. You can find the
List of Business Schools in the UK in the
iMahal Education Section. You would be considered an international student in the UK. Your primary source of financial assistance is your prospective school. Generally speaking, financial assistance for international students pursuing an MBA in the UK is severely limited. MBA schools often put significant effort into bringing diversity to the classroom. Because you are from Ghana, they may find your background and experience compelling enough to make financial accommodation for you, but we are not sure. The rigors of the program and severe restriction on employment would prevent you from obtaining employment to support yourself financially in any meaningful way through your studies. Although we are not aware of it, you may find that the host country, such as the UK, or the United Nations may have financial assistance programs for higher education for students from some developing countries.
