Dear Mentor:
Can you send me an application for your school? |
I am metric pass [10th Grade] with 440 marks. Sir, I want admission in you college in Class 11. Please send me a application. I request you for your fees and your admission test requirements.
Want Admission, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Dear Want Admission:
We get a lot of letters like yours, asking us for admissions information for our college. While we respond to most such inquiries privately and not through this column, we are compelled to include them once in a while in this column to let our audience know what iMahal is and what iMahal is not.
iMahal is not an academic institution. iMahal is a portal specializing in Education and Careers. We offer information, guidance and advice on issues related to education and careers. We deal with higher education in college and university, leading to a degree. Our primary geographic focus includes the US, UK, India, and Canada.
Grade 11 is a part of the high school education system in the US. iMahal does not address this particular area of education. You are prohibited by law, as an international student, to study in a public - that is, government funded - school. You can however go to a private school, the cost for which is fairly high. You can visit the
iMahal Worldwide Directory for
Education - K through 12 - in the US.
