Dear Mentor:
What is my math M.Sc. degree equivalent to in the US? |
I have Master's degree in Mathematics from Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamilnadu. I would like to know what is the equivalent of this M.Sc. degree in United States, because I am planning to work in a community college.
Degree Equivalence, Location Unkown
Dear Degree Equivalence:
Although you did not specify your current location, your use of "community college" - somewhat unique to the US - suggests to us that you are currently a resident of the US. We will comment on your situation accordingly.
We do not know what Bachelor's degree you have completed and from where. We are assuming that your Bachelor's degree was of 3-year duration and from India. Obviously, your Master's degree is of 2-year duration. In all, you have completed 5 years of college and university education in India. As you may know, the Bachelor's degree in the US is of 4-year duration. Thus, there is no direct or obvious equivalent to a degree in the US.
Now that was a response to your specific inquiry. We suppose the question you are really asking is how you should represent your educational background in a resume for employment at a community college. Our suggestion would be to include your degrees in your resume just as they are - the degrees, and the college from which you obtained these degrees and their location - without expressing the US equivalent. Should the question of degree equivalence arise, you can then focus on the content of your education - what you have in fact learned and what you actually know - rather the number of years you spent earning your degrees.
