Dear Mentor:
Will my good F.Sc. score help me to study medicine in the US? |
I have passed my F.Sc. [equivalent to Grade 12 of high school in the US and Canada] exam. I am from Pakistan. Now I want to get admission in medicine in Canada or U.S.A on scholarship basis. I got 847/1100.
Early Planner, Islamabad , Punjab, Pakistan
Dear Early Planner:
We admire your ambition, and congratulate you on a good score in F.Sc. For now, however, you have to keep working hard and demonstrate extra-ordinary performance for the next few years before you can contemplate studying medicine in the US or Canada. You must have at least a Bachelor's degree, one that is equivalent to the Bachelor's degree in the US or Canada, to enter a program in medicine. The Bachelor's degree in the US or Canada is a 4-year program. Unless your Bachelor's degree in Pakistan is of a 4-year duration, you would be required to complete a Master's in Pakistan before you can become eligible to study medicine in the US or Canada. You would also be required to take the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) a standardized entrance exam.
Even when you meet the minimum qualifications, you are not assured admission. In fact, admission into a program in medicine is extremely challenging. Only a few students, compared to the number of those interested, are admitted. The number of international students, that is the students from other countries, is extremely small. No financial aid is available to international students and the cost of medical education is extremely high.
After reading all this, if you are still interested in pursuing medicine in the US or Canada, keep working hard. Good luck!
