Dear Mentor:
Do I have enough education for an MS in the US? |
I have completed my graduation in commerce with 67% from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. I am interested in doing an MS (Finance/Banking) in USA. As I was doing GNIIT program from NIIT, I could not straight away go for GRE exam after my graduation. I read an article in a newspaper with the information that a student is required to have at least 16 years of education before pursuing the Master's degree in USA. When I expressed this stipulation to my friends, they told me that I can go for the Pre-MS program with the present qualifications and there is no need of completing 1or 2 years of further education in India. Can you kindly send me the exact information in this regard? And, is the 3-year, along with Pre-MS, MS in any way going to decrease my chances of getting a good job in the market?
Enough Education?, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Dear Enough Education?:
The information you have read in the newspaper is nearly accurate, and your friends are incorrect. You require 4 years of college or university education for entering an MS program in the US. It is not just 16 years of any education, but at least 4 years of college education in degree-granting programs. Diploma education typically does not qualify for education requirements.
