Dear Mentor:

How do I apply for your executive MBA program?

I am on visitor's visa and I am looking for an INS [Immigration & Naturalization Service]-approved business school. If you are offering any Executive MBA programme, please let me know the fee structure. I also need the information on how can I apply for such course.

Exec MBA, Bensenville, Illinois

Dear Exec MBA:

We regret to inform you that we at iMahal are not a university. iMahal is a portal specializing in Education and Careers. We offer information, guidance, and advice on higher education and careers. Our higher-education focus is on programs that lead to degree qualifications.

An executive MBA is not a degree program. As the terms suggest, the Executive MBA programs are intended for senior level managers. Typically, the candidates are sponsored by their companies. These programs are available at well-regarded universities. The programs are typically of one semester or shorter duration, whereas the MBA degree programs are two years long.

Since we do not focus on Executive MBA programs, all we can offer you is the List of Business Colleges in the US, which is available in the iMahal Education Channel. Many of these colleges offer the Executive MBA program.

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