Dear Mentor:
Which discipline should I select for the GATE? |
I have done my graduation in electrical engineering. I want to take the GATE [Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering] for MTech [Master of Technology]. Can I opt for electronics or computer in the GATE? If yes, will it hinder my chances of getting admission in electronics/computer field because my graduation is in electrical engineering?
Choices for GATE, Chennai, India
Dear Choices for GATE:
As you may know, the GATE consists of tests of 3 hours each. The first test is on subjects contained in one of two groups, selected by the candidate on the basis of his or her background at the qualifying examination level. The second test is on one of the seventeen disciplines to be chosen by the candidate. The medium of examination is only English. The result of GATE is declared in the form of overall percentile score. More
Information on the GATE is offered in an earlier column.
Although you are expected to appear in the subject of your discipline, you can appear in any subject of your choice. Generally a large number of students appear for the Computer Science subject in order to do a MTech in Computer Science. You should, however, select the subject in which you wish to pursue further education.
