Dear Mentor:
What questions are in an a Chevening scholarship interview? |
I have secured admission in three UK universities. They are Notthingam for MSc in Risk Management, Leceister for MSc in Finance and Loughborough for MSc in Banking & Finance.
Now I am not able to decide which course to join. Some seniors have suggested that Notthingam is the Best out of the three. Please advise. I have already applied for the British Chevening scholarship. I am sure to be shortlisted for the interview. What kind of questions can be expected in an interview for such kind of competitive scholarship?
Says Chevening, Mumbai, India
Dear Says Chevening:
Just some background information for those who are not familiar with the British Chevening Scholarships. British Chevening Scholarships are awarded across a wide range of academic disciplines. These prestigious awards are intended for outstanding graduates and young professionals with the potential to rise to senior positions in the professions or in the public or private sector.
The awards are either one year's formal study for a postgraduate qualification or for a shorter period of not less than three months to pursue private study or research at a university or similar institution in Britain.
The scholarships are awarded across a range of academic disciplines, though priority is given to the following fields:
- Economics
- Management & Business
- International Relations
- Media
- Law
- Environment
- Political Science
- Science Policy
- Human Rights
The awards cover tuition and other fees, maintenance allowance and a return economy or excursion class airfare, for the scholarship holder only. The awards are not available to anyone who has benefited in the last three years from other awards funded by the British Government.
Now, to get to your question. We do not rank colleges. For information on rankings, you may wish to visit:
British Council addresses some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), but it does not offer any details on the interview content. Because you appear to know some people who have gone through the process, your contacts may be the best source of information on this topic. We can only speculate that the interviewer would wish to assess your English language skills, your personal objectives, and your rationale for studying in the UK.
One thing to keep in mind: Since the scholarship is intended to enhance cooperation between Britain and the country of the applicant's residence, you must somehow address this objective of the scholarship in your responses.
