Dear Mentor:
What are my chances of financial aid at a good university? |
I've done Mechanical Engineering from Mumbai University with decent 60%+ score. My GRE [Graduate Record Exam] Score is: Verbal-430, Quantative-800, Analytical-720. I have some experience in teaching as a part of my software job. I want to do MS in industrial engineering in the US. I cannot afford it without financial aid. Is there any chance of getting financial aid in top 75-100 universities for my profile? If I compromise on universities for the financial assistance, what ranking span I can target (like 50-60, 60-70 ranks)? If yes, what are the disadvantages of getting into a lower rank university in terms of placement and future prospects?
Admission vs Aid, Mumabai, Maharashtra, India
Dear Admission vs Aid:
As you may know, getting admission is far easier than securing financial aid. The competition for financial aid is fierce. While getting admitted to less prestigious universities is easier, it does not mean that getting financial aid is easier. Less prestigious universities have far less money to offer financial aid.
Your GRE score is reasonable and your Bachelor's degree score is adequate. We regret to say this, but you are liable to face significant challenges in securing financial aid, no matter what the ranking of target colleges.
The future prospects of graduating from a top college versus not-so-good college are not any different from what they would be in India. Graduates from top colleges are likely to have better opportunities for superior jobs.
