Dear Mentor:

With a correspondence degree, can I get an MBA?

I completed a Bachelor's degree through correspondence, have done a course in hotel management, and have 2 years of work experience in an American MNC [multinational corporation]. What are my chances for an MBA in the US/UK?

Business Chances, Gurgaon, India

Dear Business Chances:

Correspondence or distance learning programs are not looked upon kindly in the US or UK. Competition for entering MBA programs is pretty stiff, and colleges find more candidates with traditional degree education than they can admit. So having a correspondence degree does not help at all. The diploma programs, such as hotel management, do not qualify towards the academic eligibility requirements.

MBA programs in the US expect at least 4 years or college/university education in degree-granting programs. Unless your Bachelor's in India were of 4-year education, such as in engineering, you do not have sufficient educational qualifications for entering an MBA program in the US. The UK colleges simply require a Bachelor's degree from India.

Your work experience is valuable, but typically it would not obviate the need for meeting the academic qualification.

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