Dear Mentor:
Is my LLB good enough to start an MBA? |
I graduated from the University of Wales College of Cardiff Law School in 1995 with an LLB honours. I have worked in the UK and in Kenya and would like to pursue an MBA. Is this enough to get me into a good MBA school?
Law to Business, Nairobi, Kenya
Dear Law to Business:
We must state on the outset that admission requirements vary across MBA schools in the US. As a rule-of-thumb, one needs a Bachelor's degree in any discipline that is equivalent to that in the US. The Bachelor's degree in the US is a 4-year education program, post Grade 12 of high school. Effectively one needs at least 4 years of college or university education, in degree-granting programs, to qualify. If your Bachelor's degree is of 3-year duration, post high school, then you are required to complete the first year of a Master's program. Some MBA schools in the US even require that, in such a case, you must complete the entire Master's program to qualify. Depending on the MBA school, you may be expected to have completed basic courses in calculus, accounting, and so on, prior to starting the MBA program.
We do not know your entire academic background, but we could not comment definitely on your qualifications anyway, since that depends on college-specific requirements. The LLB from Cardiff Law School, per our understanding, is a 3-year program. If this is your entire college or university education, you are likely not to meet the eligibility requirements. Some LLB programs in the UK are in fact 4 years in duration; for example, the
Oxford University 4-year LLB, where the additional 4th year is dedicated to Law Studies in Europe. It would be worthwhile for you to contact prospective MBA schools to determine if you meet college-specific requirements.
Typical admission criteria for an MBA in the US are:
- A US-equivalent Bachelor's degree in any discipline
- GMAT (Graduate Management Aptitude Test), a standardized exam
- Personal essays on topics or questions, specified by individual schools
- 2-4 letters of recommendations
- Official transcripts of all academic qualifications
- 3-5 years of work experience with demonstrated success in progressively challenging assignment (particularly for top MBA programs)
We have addressed the issue of MBA admissions in the US in earlier columns. You may wish to visit:
iMahal Education Channels contains:
We wish to note that virtually no financial aid is available to international students for the MBA program in the US. The total cost of education is extremely high, ranging $20,000 to $50,000 per year for the 2-year program.
We have addressed many aspects of the MBA in the US on numerous occasions in the past. Just type in the keyword(s) in the
iMahal Search and you are likely to find many relevant columns.
