Dear Mentor:

Which colleges have biotechnology BS degrees?

I am a XII standard final year student. I would like to continue my studies in biotechnology. Could you please advise me the institutions where the above courses are offered and criteria for admission?

BS in Biotech, Dubai, UAE

Dear BS in Biotech:

A Bachelor's program in biotechnology is not offered at many colleges in the US. Where offered, it is typically through the sciences programs. Some examples include:

Many colleges offer bachelor's programs in biology, engineering, and biomedical engineering. We recommend that you not limit yourself to a few colleges due to the need to use one word, biotechnology, to describe your interests. You can find the List of Science Colleges in the US in the iMahal Education Channel.

You basically need to complete the XII standard of high school. You are typically required to take the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) for non-native English-speaking candidates. You can find the Information on Entrance Exams in the iMahal Education Channel.

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