Dear Mentor:
Do I need another MBA to succeed in advertising? |
I desperately need your advice, as on the basis of your advice I shall make my next move. I have done 2-year MBA, and now I am working for Ogilvy & Mather as an Account Executive. I want to make it in a big way, so I am planning to go to the States, Canada or Singapore. I have come to know that to make it big, I will have to again do a 2-year MBA from one of the above-mentioned countries. I am neither financially sound to manage my educational expenses nor can I take loans nor do I have the time to spend 2 years for work and learn programs. Can't I make it with my current educational qualification, or will I have to take the GMAT [Graduate Management Aptitude Test] and do a course in advertising?
Education vs Employment, India
Dear Education vs Employment:
Becoming successful, or to "make it in a big way" as you put it, has a price. As you must have learned in your MBA, nothing comes for free; everything has a price - be it money, personal effort, or both. It is of course important to realize your constraints but, at the same time, you must also rationally reject options that can not be realized within those constraints. If it takes time, effort, and money to "make it big" and you can not allocate the requisite amounts, perhaps you may have to modify your goal.
Ogilvy & Mather (O&M) is a prestigious multinational advertising firm. Although the MBA from India is not equivalent to an MBA from the US or Canada, you probably do not need additional education to be successful in the advertising industry. The further away you are from the completion of your education, the less relevant is your actual educational qualification and the more relevant are your demonstrated success, skills, and capabilities. Based on your work record, you can approach employers abroad to explore possibilities of employment. However, your own firm, O&M, is the best place to start.
The alternative is to reach abroad, say the US or Canada, for further education, such as an MBA, for which you say that you don't have the time and finances. This option thus becomes irrelevant due to your personal constraints, but it is an option that puts you closest to potential employers, thus offering easier and greater access to explore employment opportunities. Should you wish to reconsider your constraints, you can get much of the information you need in the iMahal guide on
Studying in America and Canada.
