Dear Mentor:
What education do I need for an MBA in the US? |
I am doing a 3 years Bachelors in Science (Physics) from Bombay University. I plan to do my Masters in Computer Application from IGNOU through correspondence. It is a three-year course that involves 90 hours of practical work per semester in proper classroom settings. I would like to know if this kind of education would count towards my sixteen years of education as is required by most universities in US or Canada, where I plan to pursue my MBA studies at a later date.
Enough Education?, Mumbai, India
Dear Enough Education?:
You will be well advised to read the
iMahal Authoritative Guide for Studying in America and Canada. The
Guide explains the reason for at least 16 years of education; that is, for effectively at least 4 years of college or university education in degree programs. In particular, visit:
Can you study in America or Canada? Some universities in the US and Canada require the completion of a Master's program or the first year of a Master's program from India, if your Bachelor's degree is not of 4-year duration.
The issue of correspondence program complicates the matter further. Some universities may find this education acceptable towards the academic requirements, while others may not. We wish we could offer you a simple and straightforward answer that is applicable to all universities, but there is none. Requirements and eligibility criteria vary across universities.
