Dear Mentor:
How can I afford to study in the US? |
I am a student of Management. I am from a middle class family. I want to study in the US but due to my financial condition, I cannot afford it. If you have anyone who is interested in sponsoring me please tell them to help me. I need it because I must prove ability to finance all years of my education. Do you know some University that can give scholarship for education? I study [name withheld] University, Nepal. I have a very good knowledge in computer (networking, Web designing and so on). My letter is (maybe) one of many letters you received, but I hope you will be so kind to help me, because this kind of opportunity will change my life for the best. Lots of thanks from a poor friend from Nepal.
Seeking Financial Assistance, Purano Naikap, Nepal
Dear Seeking Financial Assistance:
Well, we must affirm that we do get many letters like this from around the globe. There are tens of thousands of students, around the world, who wish to pursue seemingly high potential opportunities - wherever they are - for a better life and future. Alas, but we can only wish it was easy to fulfill everyone's dreams!
As you have implied, life is a constant struggle between what you want and what you can have. If you are not independently wealthy, you are subjected to an evaluation of your "worthiness" for obtaining financial assistance. The selection is merit-based - and not needs-based - for international students in the US. The competition is fierce; however, financial assistance is more available in technical fields, such as engineering and computer science. Very little, if any, assistance is available to international students for pursuing an MBA. More assistance is available for pursuing Master's or PhD degrees in business when there is research work in a subdiscipline such as finance, marketing, accounting, and so on.
You will be well advised to read the
iMahal Authoritative Guide for Studying in America and Canada. The
iMahal Guide outline the requirements and procedures for admissions and financial aid, as well as how to select colleges and how to improve your chances of success.
