Job Search Management
Interviews Example: Good Greg
Here is an example interview that can give you ideas about how you can present yourself in the best possible light. Greg is good at interviewing. He is likeable, and he is liable to get a job offer after this interview. Pay attention!
(Greg arrives ten minutes early, checks in with the receptionist, and fills out his name card. He adjusts his tie, buttons his suit jacket, and sits in the lobby. Five minutes later a secretary brings him into a conference room. Several minutes later he stands to greet his interviewer.)
Interviewer: Hello, I am Robert Miller, a director of marketing at Gateway.
Greg: Hello, it's very nice to meet you.
(Greg shakes his hand firmly, smiles, and looks him in the eye with respect. As they take their seats, Greg sits straight and pays close attention to his interviewer, and they chat briefly about the weather.)
Interviewer: So, why don't you tell me about yourself?
Greg: Okay. I grew up in Ohio and studied engineering at Georgia Tech. In my first job at Compaq, I learned a great deal about managing the flexible assembly of computers. After that I implemented improvements in the logistics department at Dell, where I also put a lot of effort into improving my writing skills. More recently, I've been negotiating with corporate clients on large orders. It's been fascinating learning about the sales side of the business. Outside of work I play basketball in several local leagues, and I also tutor adults in the local library for Project Read.
(They talk briefly about writing at work and about teaching people how to read.)
Interviewer: What are you looking for in a position at Gateway?
Greg: I would like an opportunity to help Gateway grow its sales of computers. At the same time I want to improve my understanding of the industry and to find new challenges in managing teams of people who work in marketing.
Interviewer: We all have weaknesses. Could you describe one of yours?
Greg: In the past I've had trouble being organized. But now it's much less of a problem. I constantly use checklists. And I use notecards to write myself reminders. I've found this a great help -- just by developing the habit of writing things down.
Interviewer: Where to you see yourself in 5 years within the company?
Greg: I can see myself as a manager in a marketing or sales department, leading teams of people to accomplish such things as improving customer feedback, growing corporate accounts, or launching new advertising campaigns.
Interviewer: Are you willing to relocate?
Greg: Yes, of course. I've enjoyed experiencing new environments in the past. I'm sure it would be fun to see other parts of the country, or the world for that matter.
Interviewer: Do you have any questions for me?
Greg: Yes, actually. I often get a good feel about a company by learning from the people who work there. Could you tell me why it was that you first accepted a job at Gateway? And how has it been fun and challenging?
(The interview continues very nicely.)
