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Cuisine > Western Cuisine > Hawaiian >
iMahal choice:
Currently there are no links in this category. Please check back periodically.
iMahal suggests:
- Food in Hawaii - Yesterday and Today - Network Media Inc.offers a brief introduction to food's cultural role in Hawaii past and present.
- Hawaii Seafood Buyers Guide -
This site offers information and photographs of many different types of seafood especially fish caught in the waters around Hawaii. Also featured are recipes using Hawaiian seafood.
- Hawaii's Favorite Recipes -
Aunty Leilani presents new local recipes each week including some "streamlined" luau dishes.
- Hawaiian Electric Kitchen - The Hawaiian Electric Company's cooking program features tasty recipes, energy efficiency, and other helpful tips. Recipe range from holiday to ethnic culinary cooking.
- Hawaiian Food Recipes - The recipes included here are traditional as well as modern. The modern recipes will help the Hawaiian expatriot rediscover the foods of their childhood. This Hawaiian recipe file is part of a much larger group of recipes included in Maui Community Colleges Culinary Arts Program's recipe file. The broad list of recipes includes Asian and South Pacific recipes.
- Hawaiian Luau -
Commercial site to sell a coobook, but has several free recipes.
- MidWeek's Food Page -
MidWeek Magazine's weekly Food Page features healthy recipes from Diana Helfand, the "Hearty Chef."
- Mixed-Plate Hawai`i -
This site includes listings of ethnic/regional restaurants, menus (under development), and local recipes.
- Sam Choy: Hawaiian Heritage -
This celebrity chef, cookbook author, TV show host, and award-winning restaurateur's site contains recipes and information about his restaurants and merchandise.
- WebMasters.CC - Local and Not So Local Recipes - Add-a-recipe site with the following categories: pupus, salads, meats, poultry, aeafood, ethnic, and desserts.
