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Cuisine > Western Cuisine >
iMahal choice:
iMahal suggests:
- Arrisje's Cookbook - Dutch, Indonesian, Suriname and other ethnic recipes with pictures.
- Authentic Indian Recipes -
A large collection of Indian, Chinese, as well as many Western recipes. The site also contains food facts, a glossary of cooking terms.
- BRGS Kitchen -
BRGS Kitchen offers ethnic recipes, as well as American home cooking. Includes many ethnic recipes. Updated regularly, all recipes are then archived.
- Edibilia -
Food and drink recipes and food resources from North and South America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East (European recipes are elsewhere on the site).
- Epicurious Mediterranean Recipe File - Over 100, Gourmet and Bon Appetit magazines' recipes from the Mediterranean region can be found here.
- Galley Chef -
A recipe archive featuring barbecue, Mexican, Italian, and canning recipes.
- International Gourmet's Treasured Recipes -
Traditional old world recipes include Egyptian and Armenian favorites as well as recipes from other cuisines. At the bottom of the page are links to other recipes.
- International Recipes OnLine -
An internet culinary exchange group with over 20,000 members in 90 different countries.
- Lucretia B's Amazing International Cookbook - Online cookbook with recipes from all over the world. Special section with tips and tricks for beginners.
- March Recipes -
Recipe collections from Corsica, Morocco and Lebanon.
- Margarita's Cooking Page -
Featuring recipes from around the world, including Africa, Europe and Latin America.
- Ming Tsai - http://www.ming.com
Chef Ming Tsai brings you east meets west recipes, cooking techniques and hard to find Asian ingredients.
- Recipes of 'la casa Hassel - Some like it hot! - Here you'll find the most popular dishes from the Hasselian kitchen. It goes all the way from Stockholm to Singapore. It covers all from salads and soups to side-dishes and supreme main courses.
- Salvatore's Kitchen -
Good site for fr Italian recipe's. The recipe's continue on to include not just Italian, but other types of recipe's from Jamaican to Cajun.
- The European Cuisines Page - Recipes and food information from Europes many cuisines.
- The Recipes Folder -
Vegetarian recipes from around the world including India, the Middle East, the Mediterranean region to name a few areas.
- The Ultimate Xena Cookbook -
Wide variety of international recipes in 10 categories with a Xena theme including starters, meats, seafood, veggies, stews and one pot meals, thirst quenchers, breads, desserts, flower foods, and pet treats.
- Towanda's Recipe Room -
Ethnic, holiday, kids, crockpot, and dessert recipes. Recipes available in Mastercook format.
- You're Invited -
Recipes from the Haliburton Highlands area. Searchable archives, a newsletter, and new recipes every week. The recipes though from the highlands area are taken from cuisines around the world.
