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Shopping > UK >
iMahal choice:
Currently there are no links in this category. Please check back periodically.
iMahal suggests:
- All Over The UK - A online shopping directory for the UK.
- Antiques Roadshow (UK) - Antiques and collectibles directory.
- Antiqueweb - Based in the North West of England, designing, promoting and maintaining websites for UK antique dealers and associated businesses. Also includes free bulletin board and fairs listings.
- British Shopping Links - UK Shopping Directory. Over 800 stores listed by category
- Enterprise City - Reviews and links to secure UK shopping sites. Also features an email news service and a guide to shopping online safely.
- I Want To Shop.com UK Shops - Claims to provide the largest directory of UK shops on the Internet, with 1,600 listings, as well as a currency guide and price comparison bargain finder.
- IMRG Shops Directory - Comprehensive, classified listing of non-US retail Websites from the Interactive Marketing in Retail Group (IMRG), many of them rated according to their delivery and security policies.
- Lemon Aid - UK shopping guide where buying from your favourite retailers at regular prices will raise money for featured charities.
- My TAXI - Shopping mall from Taxi Interactive with reviewed links to a variety of on-line retailers. Can be personalised.
- Noneed2q - Links site to high street stores in the UK.
- Rich Clickings - Hand picked sites to take the work out of online shopping.
- SafeStreet Shopping Centre - Secure shopping mall housing retailers in fashion, health and beauty; motoring; home and gift; children; sport and leisure; food; business; and audio-visual.
- Shopping Emporium - Providing a range of online shops serving the UK.
- Shopping from Yell - On-line mall hosting categorised range of retail sites and links to retail sites, from BT's Yellow Pages.
- ShopsOnTheNet - Resource site maintained by NetCommerce Ltd. of Southampton aimed at advertising and reviewing sites that are selling on the Internet; some of the US sites listed do not provide international shipping information on-line.
- Top Of The Shops - Classified directory of secure on-line shops which deliver in the UK.
- UK Restaurant Guide - A guide and directory of the top UK restaurants. Restaurants can be found by cuisine type or location.
- UK Shopping City - On-line 'mall' with classified links to retail and other commercial sites.
- UK Shopping Directory - List of UK online shops, includes a list of popular shops and you can view the latest sites added.
- UKShopSearch.com - A directory of UK based online stores.
