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Shopping > UK > Toys >
iMahal choice:
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iMahal suggests:
- Bear Garden
- Bear Shop - We are a teddy bear shop in the East of England. We supply Bears, from children's toys to sought-after Collectibles.
- BearNet
- Bears on the Square - UK teddy bears store with huge picture gallery showing hundreds of new Steiff, Deans and Hermann teddy bears for sale.
- Bearworld - cuddly, royal, and jointed bears; Teletubbies dolls and clothing.
- Bearworld - cuddly, royal, and jointed bears; Teletubbies dolls and clothing.
- Belle's Bears - hand made teddy bears and accessories. Also teddy bear workshop and hospital.
- British Toy & Hobby Association
- Brown Bears - handmade traditional teddy bears, all made by bear artist Nicola Brown. Mohair collectable jointed bears for hugging.
- Character Warehouse Ltd - supplies merchandise based on children's characters, including the Teletubbies, Thomas the Tank Engine, and Noddy.
- Cheltenham Teddies' College - provide your teddy with the best gift you could give him - an education.
- Classic Rocking Horses - sells antique and replica rocking horses and restores them.
- Corgi Classics - latest news regarding collectible models.
- Countrylife NZ - hand made bears by Robin Rive.
- Dijon Limited - importer and wholesaler of 1/12th scale dollshouses, dolls, furniture and accessories in the UK.
- English Teddy Bear Company, The - hand-made jointed mohair teddy bears, teddy fashions, limited edition teddies and message bears for every occasion.
- Four Quadrants, The - for all your Star Trek collectables.
- Hoo Bears - hand-made collectors' teddy bears by Helen Oliver.
- Hugs and Cuddles - sells teddy bears online.
- J. Ephraimson Ltd. - manufacturers of hair for theatrical, doll, and craft uses.
- K M Bears - offers traditional hand made mohair teddy bears, all individual in design.
- Kettler Ltd - distributes toys, garden furniture, and exercise equipment.
- Kidd's Toys - deals in vintage tin, mechanical and collectible toys.
- Kool Collectables - sci-fi and tv collectibles.
- MacTeddy Bears - offering Scottish teddy bears and other stuffed animals.
- Multicultural Toys - offering ethnic, black, multicultural, and african style Barbie dolls, plus much more.
- Norris & Norris - UK agents for Today's Kids products.
- Old Bear Company, The - specialising in antique teddy bears early 1900s to 1960s.
- Polly Pocket - play with Polly Pocket in her real interactive world.
- Spaced Out and Kit Krazy - offers model kits and collectible toys from the 1960s through the present.
- Toy Zone
- ToyBuyer.net - includes a news, chat, and product locator.
